professional consulting

Leadership Development

Leadership development

What’s holding your team back from greater success?

High performing teams don’t just happen. They are the result of intentional work, deliberate understanding, and an outcome of effective coaching. That’s where Steve comes in. With his diverse business experience comes extensive team building for performance. Whether one- to-one coaching, performance management or career development, Steve’s approach to leadership is one that supports your team .... and your business results.
As a certified Maxwell DISC Behavioural Analysis & Consultant, Steve is equipped with world class training and information to “grow” individuals and groups. This training reveals people’s understanding of their strengths, shortcomings, how to work internally and externally more effectively as well as build stronger teams that appreciate the style of others and working well together.
Maxwell DISC Method
“Leading teams can be challenging, especially with different styles, backgrounds, motivations and competencies. Investing in team members and understanding differences is a business and interpersonal advantage.”
— Steve kavanagh